Do you have a Subcard®?

Complete your Registration

Please complete the following information to register for all the SUBCARD® and SUBWAY Express benefits.

On registering you will be sent a Virtual SUBCARD® as part of your Welcome Email. The SUBCARD® can be used for all your Online and In store purchases and enables you to redeem Reward Dollars when you have reached $3. Plus you'll get TRIPLE REWARD DOLLARS for two weeks!


Register your Subcard® here

When your SUBCARD® is activated you can redeem Reward Dollars when you have reached $3. Plus you’ll get TRIPLE REWARD DOLLARS for two weeks!

Enter your 16 digit SUBCARD® number (middle) and 4 digit access code (left) from the back of your card.

If your DOB is not displaying correctly here, please contact the SUBCARD helpdesk on 0800 78 22 73 with the updated information so this can be corrected.

Contact details

As part of your registration you are required to enter a password. You will use your email address and the following password to log into the site from now on. Password must be at least 8 characters, contain at least 1 upper case, 1 lower case, 1 digit (0-9) and 1 symbol character. Password cannot contain prohibited words such as 'password'.
